Public Asset

Resources vs Public Folder

It depends on your frontend development workflow.

  • If you use webpack as a build tool for all your frontend development, keep all your asset in app’s /resources.
  • If you do not use webpack, keep your files in app’s /public.
                    ├── public
                    ├── resources

Define public asset

Your public asset keep on app’s /public. Define your public on app's service provider under boot method. While installing on the server, we will run artisan vendor:publish --tag=public. All your public will be copied to /public/vendor/vendor-name/project-name/.

public function boot() {

public function definePublic(){
    $this->publishes([__DIR__.'/../public' => public_path('vendor/vendor-name/project-name')], 'public');

On development server, you have 2 choices:

  • Create symbolic link between your app’s public and /public/vendor/vendor-name/project-name/.
  • Use webpack to copy your app’s public to /public/vendor/vendor-name/project-name/. If you generate your app from RVsitebuilder app generator, we already configure it for you on webpack.base.js.
var pjson = require("./package.json");

if (!mix.inProduction()) {
    // Publish files on develop mode.
    // In production it is done by artisan vender:publish --tag=public.
    const fse = require("fs-extra");
    mix.then(function() {
        console.log("==> Webpack finishes building.");
        let path = "../../../public/vendor/" + pjson.vendor + "/" +;
        fse.copy("public", path, err => {
            if (err) return console.error(err);
            console.log("===> Copy /public to " + path + " Done!");