App Views

{info} If you are not familiar with its concept. Check out the full Laravel View documentation to get started.

Creating View

Create Laravel blade file and keep it in your app’s /resources/views folder.

                    ├── resources
                    │   └── views
                    │       ├── admin
                    │       │   ├── dashboard
                    │       │   │   └── index.blade.php
                    │       │   └── layouts
                    │       │        └── app.blade.php
                    │       └── user
                    │           ├── dashboard
                    │           │   └── index.blade.php
                    │           └── layouts
                    │               └── app.blade.php

Master Layouts

There are 4 master layouts available on RVsitebuilder. All master layouts load necessary JavaScript and CSS according to the template end-user choosing on the admin area.

  • admin.layouts.master - admin pages that include top bar, app launcher, and your app's left menu.
  • admin.layouts.master-blank - admin blank pages. It is useful for creating pop-up or iframe.
  • user.layouts.master - user pages that include header, menu, sidebar, footer, and etc.
  • user.layouts.master-blank - user blank pages. It is useful for creating pop-up or iframe.

To make your app user interface consistency throughout the site. You should extend master layouts on your app's layouts folder.

Admin App Layouts

Here is an example of views/admin/layouts/app.blade.php:


    @@include('admin.includes.leftmenu', ['project_name' => "vendor-name/project-name"])

<!-- package-styles -->


<!-- package-scripts -->


Admin Left Menu

leftmenu section should includes default admin.includes.leftmenu and send your correct vendor-name and project-name vendor-name/project-name. It will dynamically generate menu according to your app's app.json.

keeping in mind that, end-users can move your left menu to display on the other app, change your app’s display name, and hide icon on app launcher.

Package-style Blade Stack

Insert your CSS scripts for admin pages here.

Package-script Blade Stack

Insert your JavaScript for user pages here.

User App Layouts

Here is an example of views/user/layouts/app.blade.php.


<!-- package-styles -->


<!-- package-scripts -->


App Views

All your views should extend your app's layouts. And add your content in content blade section.


    Your app content here.

You can @push('package-styles') and @push('package-scripts') if you have anything specific only for this view.

Creating Non-Editable System Page

Standard Laravel routes and views are non-editable system pages. This give you a freedom to do whatever you want while perfectly display under the same theme as other pages. Its drawback is the end-user cannot modify the page properties such as SEO options, META tags, and etc.

You may explicitly set web page title on your blade view.

@@section('title','Your page website title'))

End-user still see all your app's route on the system page hyperlink selection list. To hide it from the hyperlink selection list, you need to add hideFromHyperlinkList on your app’s service provider.

public function boot()

public function defineHideFromHyperlinkList()
    $routes =   [


Creating Editable System Page

To make your system page editable, you need to do the following:

  1. Migration
  2. Creating route for WYSIWYG editview
  3. Push wysiwyg-section blade stack

{info} Checkout Creating Editable System Page Documentation for more detail.