JavaScript and CSS Framework

RVsitebuilder user and admin interfaces are render independently.

User interface

End-user interface is built on UIKIT2 framework. It changes dynamically according to the end-user choice of template on the admin area.

{info} Soon, there will be a choice between Bootstrap4, UIKIT2, and UIKIT3.

Admin interface

Admin interface is platform agnostic. If you generate app from developer app, admin layout suggest bootstrap4. But you can replace it with anything you want. If you use webpack to build your asset, simply build your own and remove the default one.

views/admin/layouts/app.blade.php with bootstrap4:


    @@include('admin.includes.leftmenu', ['package-name' => "vendor-name/package-name"])

    <!-- package-styles -->
    @{{ style(mix('css/bootstrap.css', 'vendor/rvsitebuilder/core')) }}

    <!-- package-scripts -->
    <script src=""


Loaded as an external script on all pages, both admin and user interface. It has a global scope. You do not need to include it on your app.

{warning} Do not use defer on your script as it conflict with jQuery.

Package-script Blade Stack




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