
Definitions of functions, items, terms, and features in RVsitebuilder 7.


Admin, Administrator

The utimate permission role for website member. This role holds all permissions to manage website, can add, delete, and define every website member a role. Usually the first person, you, who started create this website will have this role.

Admin Interface

The content editor that can only be accessed by Admin to edit website content, and the management area to manage website users, websites, and website roles.

Admin Top Bar

The very top most black bar menus on the right hand on content editor, works for access Apps management.

The applications that are enabled and disabled on your website.
Apps Launcher
The Apps menu on Admin Top Menu to launch and navigate to all applications that are enabled on your website.
Apps Manage
The application center to see all applications currently enabled and disabled on your website. You can check their version and update them from here.
Apps Name
The name of package which will consist of Vendor Name and Project Name separated by slash (/)such as;


Alias App display name on the end-user website.


Disabled apps
The applications that are already installed but not enabled to use on your website yet.


Enabled apps
The applications that are currently enabled and using on your website.


Frontend Role
The low permisison 2 users, User and VIP, that are accessible website user area like your website, member area, member only page.


Hide and Show Admin Top Bar
The vertical left angle blacket (︿) under view modes. It's action is to hide or show the Admin Top Bar.


Insert Toolbar
A bar to insert additional needs on your content. It's always right on the top of the content editor promptly to be used.



The privilege to set for users with 2 high permission levels;

  • All: for all inclusive accessibiity to content editor, apps mamangement, and member management.

  • View Admin: for high accessibility to view member lists, edit content, manage apps.

Project Name

The name of a feature or service such as;

  • wysiwyg



The permission levels of users of your website; Administrator, Excutive, User, and VIP.


Site Config

The easy advanced configuration setting for your website such as CSS/JS, Meta, SEO, Visibility, Log, and etc. for more functional and effective website. NO WORRIES if you don't feel familiar with these words, we have easy guide on every part of it.



Everyone who knows and opens your website, the first time visitor, the fans of your website, the investigators, the registered members, the website admins.

User Interface

All areas on your website that users will see, My Site, Login page, Register page, and User dashboard page. The My Site will be Public Interface, while User dashboard will be Member Interface.


Vendor Name

The name of company or developer who develops the package such as;

  • rvsitebuilder
View modes

The content editor area that you can switch view of devices to see how your website will be while editing it.


The visibility control of your pages of how you aim particular page to be seen by whether public (all users), website member (regitered users), or website admin.


Website Navigation

The menu bar on your website to let everyone navigates to pages.


The functional content area that's not only showing content but does some action when user communicaites with it, such as Online Form, Blog, Facebook comments, etc. It's not a direct edit area, but with a setting panel to set its function and display. Let's say it's not free place to insert, but a convenient tool.


What You See Is What You Get, the content editor which is sometimes called by development team or website designers.