
Getting a developer license

You can install RVsitebuilder locally on your work station for developing purpose. Please register to RVsitebuilder Register to get the developer license.

  1. Register and Login to RVsitebuilder DeveloperDashboard

  2. Go to Developer Dashboard DeveloperDashboard

    When you come to Developer Dashboard :

    Developer Token Auth You can copy My Developer Token Auth go to Verify License your website,It will require to install locally.

RVsitebuilder Docker (Recommended)

This docker already build dev tools php composer npm.


Web Service


phpMyAdmin http://%local_ip%:80/phpmyadmin

MailHog http://%local_ip%:8025

Volume Map document root path: %workspacke_path%/docker-lamp/public/ app path: %workspacke_path%/docker-lamp/app/

db access info:
MYSQL_USER_NAME = homestead MYSQL_USER_DB = homestead MYSQL_USER_PASS = secret

docker requirement

docker version 19.03.8+

docker-compose version 1.25.4+


  1. download docker-lamp
Download and Extract to your workspace
  1. Run docker-compose up

Optional to update docker .env file for change WEBSERVER_PORT,LOCALE,TZ

cd %workspacke_path%/docker-lamp

docker-compose up -d
  1. Open browser http://%local_ip%:80 and follow wizard installation

Step 2 Database setup

   Database name: homestead
   Database user: homestead
   Database password: secret

Step 3 Setup website properties

   Developer E-mail: %From Getting a developer license%
   Developer Key: %From Getting a developer license%
  1. After install complete you can login with

RUN manual ssh to container

ssh with www-data

docker-compose exec --user www-data apache2php bash

ssh with root

docker-compose exec apache2php bash

Switch PHP multi version on container

Switch to PHP 7.3

update-alt-php 7.3

Switch to PHP 7.4

update-alt-php 7.4

Other environment


Prepare web server stack You can choose to run docker container like Laravel Homestead, Laravel Valet, or run on own web server.

But make sure that your domain configuration meet with the following requirements.

  • Domain name must run on PHP7.3-7.4.
  • php extension: 'mysqlnd','PDO','gd','curl','iconv','mbstring','zip','json','fileinfo','exif','bcmath','ctype','openssl','tokenizer','xml','pdo_mysql'
  • php ini config 'memory_limit' =% 64M
  • mysql service already run with database
    • MYSQL_USER_NAME = homestead
    • MYSQL_USER_DB = homestead
    • MYSQL_USER_PASS = secret
  • Firewall on your server doesn't block the following domains.


  1. Download file and copy to web document root

  2. Open browser http://%local_ip%:80 and follow wizard installation

Step 2 Database setup

   Database name: homestead
   Database user: homestead
   Database password: secret

Step 3 Setup website properties

   Developer E-mail: %From Getting a developer license%
   Developer Key: %From Getting a developer license%
  1. After install complete you can login with


env file configuration

Different between local and production

  • Local
  • Production