App DB Migration

{info} If you are not familiar with its concept. Check out the full Laravel Migration documentation to get started.

Creating Migration

Create Laravel migration file and keep it in your app’s /database/migrations folder.

                    ├── database
                    │   └── migrations
                    │       └── 2019_03_14_074812_create_app_table.php

To avoid as much as possible troubles, you migration should:

  • Database table should have a prefix.
  • Creating schema should wrap with the Schema::hasTable or Schema::hasColumn.
        if (!Schema::hasTable('app_table')) {
            Schema::create('app_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

        if (!Schema::hasColumn('app_table', 'title')) {
            Schema::table('app_table', function (Blueprint $table) {
                $table->engine = 'InnoDB';


If you want to insert some default data when installing your app, put your default data in the same migration file. It is a good idea to wrap it with Model::unguard() and Model::reguard() while seeding.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class RegistNewAppToManageApp extends Migration
    public function up()

    private function seed()
        // something

Define Migration on App's Service Provider

When installing your app, we run artisan migrate to make a change on the database according to your migration file defined on the service provider.

public function boot() {

public function defineMigration(){
    $this-> loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/path/to/migrations');

Keep in mind that Migration file run only once and by its order, usually by datetime appears on the migration filename. If you want to change DB schema for the existing users, you need to create a new migration file. Make any changes on the old one will not be affect existing users.